Saturday, 27 July, 2024
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Alternative medicines battle

Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and the [b]Medicines Control Council[/b] have been served papers challenging the validity of regulations seeking proof that alternative medicines are safe and have benefits, says a [s]Sunday Times[/s] report. The multibillion-rand industry claims they are ‘inappropriate’ and could wipe 60% of their goods from the market.

The fight, scheduled for the [b]Gauteng High Court (Pretoria)[/b] is being led by the [b]Health Products Association of Southern Africa[/b] on behalf of 114 companies with a ‘conservative’ turnover of R7bn. ‘We will oppose the matter,’ [b]Health Department[/b] spokesperson Joe Maila is quoted as saying.

[link url=]Full Sunday Times report[/link]

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