Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateAnother Indian drugmaker linked to toxic cough syrups

Another Indian drugmaker linked to toxic cough syrups

Yet another Indian drugmaker has been linked to lethal cough syrups – and directed to stop operating – making it the fourth in the country linked to violations in manufacturing and laboratory practices.

Government health officials told Reuters that Naturcold cough medicine from Riemann Labs has been linked to the recent deaths of at least six children in Cameroon.

Authorities have stepped up scrutiny of manufacturers after the deaths of dozens of children in a number of countries.

Rajesh Bhatia, one of the three directors at Riemann Labs, previously told Reuters he was not aware of the matter.

However, Sudam Khade, the state’s drugs controller, said regulators had inspected the company’s production unit in Madhya Pradesh state and issued a notice after finding lapses.

“Some violations in good manufacturing practices and good lab practices were found,” Khade said, without specifying what these were.

Samples of all of the company's products had been sent for testing and further action would be decided based on the results, Khade added.


Reuters article – India finds 'violations' at cough syrup maker linked to Cameroon deaths (Open access)


See more from MedicalBrief archives:


WHO alert after more contaminated Indian cough syrups detected


Indian firm allegedly used industrial-grade ingredient in toxic cough syrups


Cameroon children’s deaths linked to toxic cough syrup







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