Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateBaby sleep products linked to 200 deaths now banned in the US

Baby sleep products linked to 200 deaths now banned in the US

Popular, frequently used infant sleep products blamed for the deaths of more than 200 babies in the USA, are to be outlawed.

Last week President Joe Biden signed into law legislation that prohibits the manufacture and sale of crib bumpers and inclined sleepers, blamed for more than 200 infant deaths, reports CBS News.

Retailers have 180 days to comply.

Between 1990 and 31 March 2019, there were 113 reported fatalities involving crib bumpers, said the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and more than 100 babies have died in inclined sleep products. The CPSC has recalled numerous versions, but older models are still in circulation.

A new federal rule approved by the CPSC last year and due to come into
 effect shortly bans several types of sleep products for babies under 5 months old.

The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends babies should sleep on their backs on a firm, flat surface without any extra padding, pillows, blankets or toys. According to a MedicalBrief report in October 2017, evidence shows that this reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Wedges or sleep positioners are not recommended – regardless of other potential benefits.

The report said the items – often called “nests” or “anti-roll” products – have caused some babies to suffocate after rolling from their sides to their stomachs. The two most common types of sleep positioners have raised supports or pillows (“bolsters”) that are attached to each side of a mat, or a wedge, to raise a baby’s head.


CBS News article – Biden signs law banning infant sleep products blamed for 200 deaths (Open access)


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