Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalBail for Namibian intern doctor accused of rape

Bail for Namibian intern doctor accused of rape

A Namibian intern medical doctor Dennis Noa, accused of raping a patient at Katutura Intermediate Hospital, Windhoek, was granted bail last Friday after nearly three months in police custody, reports MedicalBrief.

According to The Namibian, Noa (26) is charged with a serious offence and could receive a substantial prison term if convicted – but this needs to be balanced with his rights as well, Magistrate Esme Molefe said when she delivered her ruling at the end of his bail hearing in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court.

She said Noa is a Namibian citizen living at a known address in Windhoek and had offered to hand his passport over to the police officer in charge of the investigation.

Molefe granted Noa bail in the amount of N$10,000, on condition he hand over his passport, does not apply for a new travel document, does not interfere with state witnesses or the ongoing investigation in any manner, and informs the investigating officer before he leaves the Windhoek district.

The state alleges that Noa raped an 18-year-old patient at Katutura Intermediate Hospital, where he was working as an intern doctor, on 11 April, after he had taken the patient from his room in the hospital's head injury unit.

Noa has testified he handed the patient, who is immobile and unable to communicate after suffering a head injury in a car accident, over to a hospital porter to be taken for occupational therapy on the day of the alleged incident. He later received the patient back from the porter and then wheeled him back into his room.

Nursing staff found an unused condom in the patient's bed and noticed injuries to his anal area after he had been returned to his room, the court was informed during the bail hearing.

A police officer told the court a search through the hospital with Noa in an attempt to find anyone matching the description he had given of the porter was fruitless. She also testified that no human semen was detected in samples collected from the patient for testing.

At the bail hearing Noa said he was not guilty of the charge, and that the allegations against him were defamatory and malicious.

His next court appearance is on 30 September.


Full The Namibian story – Doctor of rape released (Open access)


See also from MedicalBrief archives:


Bogus doctor allegedly raped another Mpumalanga hospital patient


Gauteng Health suspends doctor accused of sexual assault


GP accused of patient rape remanded in custody


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