Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-Legal‘Braai of masks’: Black Consumer Council calls for day of defiance of...

‘Braai of masks’: Black Consumer Council calls for day of defiance of draft regulations

THE National Black Consumer Council (NBCC) is calling for a national defiance campaign against all COVID-19 protocols, including mask-wearing, hand-sanitisers, social distancing and the limit to how many people can gather in open and closed venues.

This follows the lifting of the State of Disaster and President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that the pandemic would now be managed under the National Health Act, reports The Sunday Independent.

Draft health regulations have been published for public comment, but the NBCC has called for defiance against yet another set of regulations.

NBCC secretary-general Raynauld Russon said the proposed rules are an assault on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and not in line with the National Health Act.

“We are being persecuted, oppressed. We demand our rights back,” he said, urging South Africans to dump their masks in a garbage bin and at 8am on Friday, 15 April, unite for “ a braai of masks”.


Sunday Independent Pressreader article – Calls for defiance and an end to ‘mask dictatorship’ (Open access)


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