Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeHaematologyCombination treatment links to 47% drop in pulmonary embolism death

Combination treatment links to 47% drop in pulmonary embolism death

A team of US researchers, led by experts from the [b]Perelman School of Medicine[/b] at the [b]University of Pennsylvania[/b] have found that adding clot-busting medications known as thrombolytics to conventional approaches when treating sudden-onset pulmonary embolism patients is associated with 47% fewer deaths than using standard intravenous or under-the-skin anticoagulant medications alone, bringing clarity to a decades-long debate. [s]Health-Canal[/s] reports that the meta-analysis of 16 published, randomised, controlled trials over the past 40 years assessed 2,115 pulmonary embolism patients, approximately half of whom received both thrombolysis and conventional anticoagulation treatment, namely IV-administered and injectable blood-thinners such as heparin; and half of whom only received the conventional treatment.

[link url=]Full Health-Canal report[/link]
[link url=]JAMA abstract[/link]

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