Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateCondoms out of stock in Gauteng

Condoms out of stock in Gauteng

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) cases are on the rise in Gauteng, partly due to a shortage of condoms – a 45% decline in their distribution since 2017.

The Gauteng Department of Health said STIs, including male urethritis syndrome, had increased from 5 486 to 6 035 between February 2022 and February this year, reports News24.

The department said the shortage of male and female condoms had affected all of its districts. “The suppliers haven’t had stock to deliver to the province since the inception of the new contract in February 2022, as they were awaiting SABS sample approval before ordering bulk stock from the manufacturers.”

The department said the shortages were also reported at the height of the pandemic.

It said suppliers who had completed the deliveries of their annual delivery stock would deliver excess stock.

Jack Bloom, the DA’s Gauteng health spokesperson, said the shortages were “a disgrace” and that suppliers who delivered timeously should be appointed.

“Since the high point of condom distribution in 2017/18, there has been a downward trend in the numbers delivered. In 2021/22, only 129m male condoms and 5.2m female condoms were distributed -– a 45% decline.

“It is disgraceful that a common item like condoms is in short supply in Gauteng. They have a vital role in family planning and the prevention of HIV/Aids and other STIs.”


News24 article – Gauteng facing condom shortage (Open access)


See more from MedicalBrief archives:


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