Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews ReleaseCOVID-19: Dental Protection announces two months’ free membership

COVID-19: Dental Protection announces two months’ free membership

A package of support – the equivalent of the next two months of membership for free – has been set out by Dental Protection for members in private practice that have experienced a significant drop in their workload and a dramatic fall in income due to COVID-19.

All members working in the private sector either full time or part time will be eligible for two months of subscription relief. Members will be contacted in order to obtain the necessary information to make their subscription relief payment. This subscription relief will be paid to members by electronic funds transfer.

Alternatively, members who choose to stop practising completely – even for a short period during this crisis – can instead opt to become a deferred member of Dental Protection. They will not pay a subscription during this time and they may return as an active member on the same terms when they resume practice at a later date. It is important to note that while membership is deferred members will not be entitled to the benefits of membership if they carry out any clinical activity including providing telephone triage for patients with urgent needs.

Dr Alasdair McKelvie, head of dental services for South Africa at Dental Protection, said: “As colleagues and as a fellow dental professional, we want to support members during these unprecedented times.

“Above all else we want to reassure members that Dental Protection is here for them through good times and bad. As a mutual organisation we know there has never been a more important time for us to use our discretionary powers to step in and offer the assistance members need.

“This is not going to be an easy time for any of us, but we are going to get through it.

“We hope that the subscription relief being offered will make a difference to members during this time. We will also continue to monitor the situation closely and we will keep the support provided by subscription relief under review in the months ahead.”

Issued by Medical Protection

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