Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateDigital Vibes-linked official’s case postponed

Digital Vibes-linked official’s case postponed

National Department of Health official Popo Maja, charged with corruption linked to the controversial Digital Vibes case, has had his case postponed to 13 February for setting of a trial date.

Maja appeared in the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court last Wednesday, where he is facing two counts of corruption worth R15 000. He is out on bail of R5 000 after his first court appearance in June.

He also requested – through his attorney – and was granted, the relaxation of a bail condition requiring him to report to the investigating officer whenever he left Gauteng, reports TimesLIVE.

In 2019, Maja was appointed a member of the bid specification and bid evaluation committee tasked with appointing a service provider to provide communication services for the National Health Insurance Bill.

On 1 November that year, the bid evaluation committee evaluated bidders and Digital Vibes was recommended on the bid amount of more than R141m for 12 months.

“The same day, it is alleged that R10 000 was paid into Maja’s personal bank account from the Digital Vibes bank account,” said National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana.

“A month later, on 5 December 2019, another R5 000 was paid into his personal account by Digital Vibes.”


TimesLIVE article – Senior health department official Popo Maja’s case postponed to February (Restricted access)


See more from MedicalBrief archives:


Health Department director charged with corruption in Digital Vibes case


Health Department official resigns over Digital Vibes, colleagues demoted


Demotions ‘a slap on the wrist’ for top officials implicated in Digital Vibes scandal



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