Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateDisabled computers lead to George Mukhari hospital bleeding millions

Disabled computers lead to George Mukhari hospital bleeding millions

The computer system at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital in Gauteng has been out of operation since January, resulting in a revenue loss of R4.8m, and causing chaos because the hospital is unable to retrieve old paper-based patient files with previous medical histories.

In a written reply to the Gauteng legislature, Gauteng Health MEC Dr Nomathemba Mokgethi said the infrastructure equipment for the Medicom computer system was no longer under warranty nor supported by the original manufacturer, reports News24.

The hospital is being forced to open new patient files, minus previous, crucial medical history.

DA shadow health MEC Jack Bloom said this had a negative impact on service delivery. “Furthermore, there is an inability to retrieve files for medico-legal cases, Road Accident Fund claims, follow-up of information for, follow-up of complaints lodged.”

The outdated system was a consequence of massive corruption under former Gauteng Health MEC Brian Hlongwa, he added, who is out on bail: he faces fraud, corruption, money laundering and racketeering charges, along with other former senior Gauteng health officials.

“One of the charges was for the awarding of a R1.2bn tender to the Baoki Consortium in 2008 to establish a health information system and electronic health record. It was paid more than R400m before their contract was cancelled a year later with no system installed,” Bloom said.

“The department envisages implementing the new system on 11 July,” Mokgethi added.


News24 article – George Mukhari hospital loses millions of rands due to broken computer system (Open access)


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