Draft emergency health service regulations that have been published in the [b]Government Gazette[/b] for comment within three months (Notice R585, [i]Government Gazette[/i] 37869) propose the establishment of a national emergency medical services committee responsible for all aspects of the licensing process. [s]Legalbrief Policy Watch[/s] reports that once operational, the new regulations will apply to all public and private emergency medical services, including those that are aerial and/or event-related and those focusing on rescue and/or medical response. They will not apply to services operated by the [b]SA National Defence Force[/b]. According to [b]Health Deputy Minister[/b] Joe Phaahla, the proposed new regulations are one of the steps being taken to provide ‘timeous and efficient’ emergency medical services.
[link url=http://www.legalbrief.co.za/article.php?story=20140725052533931]Full Legalbrief Policy Watch report[/link]