The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of 58m girls could prevent 690,000 cases of cervical cancer and 420,000 deaths, according to research in [s]The Lancet Global Health[/s]. [s]Health-Canal[/s] reports that the research, led by the [b]London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine[/b] and the [b]World Health Organisation[/b], explored the projected cost-effectiveness and health effects of PHV vaccination of all 12-year old girls across 179 countries, in terms of cervical cancer and mortality during their lifetime. HPV vaccination was projected to be very cost effective in 87% of the countries – in low and middle income countries, cost effectiveness isextremely important due to limited funding.
[link url=]Full Health-Canal report [/link]
[link url=]The Lancet abstract[/link]