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Sunday, 16 February, 2025
HomeNews UpdateHPV vaccination offers significant protection against cervical cancer

HPV vaccination offers significant protection against cervical cancer

After analysing data from the first human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme in Australia, researchers have found that the vaccine offers significant protection against cervical abnormalities, reports [s]Medical News Today[/s]. HPV is a virus that can affect human skin and the moist membranes that line the body, such as the cervix, anus, mouth and throat and according to [b]Australia’s National Cancer Institute[/b], cervical cancer – of which there are expected to be 12,340 new cases this year – is almost always caused by HPV infection. The report says at present there are two HPV vaccines available worldwide [b]Gardasil[/b] and [b]Cervarix[/b] and studies have shown that both vaccines are effective in preventing cervical cancer in young women, as well as g enital warts and high-grade anal disease in men.
[link url=]Full Medical News Today report [/link]
[link url=]BMJ article[/link]

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