Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeWeekly RoundupHSRC dismisses rumours that antibody survey is a secret vaccination plot

HSRC dismisses rumours that antibody survey is a secret vaccination plot

The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and its research partners have dismissed rumours that its National COVID-19 Antibody Survey (NCAS) was an attempt to vaccinate respondents and cause harm to them. Polity reports that the survey, which is supported by the Health Department, is currently being conducted in all nine provinces, by Epicentre, to estimate what proportion of South Africa’s population may have been infected with COVID-19, or SARS-CoV-2.

Field teams across the country are approaching selected households to interview people over the age of 12 to assess infection history, contact exposure, comorbidities, hygiene practices and social distancing.

The report says at least 10% of respondents from Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria will be asked for an additional blood sample, taken by a qualified phlebotomist, which will be tested for antibodies.

All data collected from the survey will be analysed and results will be used to understand how COVID-19 spreads in communities.

Polity reports that the council reiterated the importance for South Africans to participate in the survey and assured that all information and blood samples collected were done with strict COVID-19 safety protocols and did not present any danger to participants.

The HSRC said the success of the survey and accuracy of the results would be used to assist government in any further planning and refinement of the national response to the COVID-19 epidemic in the country.

The results or the survey will be publicly released.


[link url=""]Full Polity report[/link]

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