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Wednesday, 18 September, 2024
HomeWeekly RoundupInvestigation into HPCSA ordered by Ramaphosa is gazetted

Investigation into HPCSA ordered by Ramaphosa is gazetted

The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) has been instructed to investigate allegations of maladministration and corruption at the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA).
In the proclamation published by President Cyril Ramaphosa – in response to allegations that have been around since 2014 – the SIU is instructed broadly to investigate any illegal or inappropriate conduct of HPCSA officials and maladministration.
Acting chief executive, Dr Raymond Billa, who was appointed in January, welcomed the investigation. He said Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi had taken steps as far back as February 2015 to appoint a ministerial task team to investigate some of the allegations.
That task team had noted an increase in complaints from medical practitioners, industry associations and training institutions. The HPCSA also received more than 30 anonymous tip-offs. Billa said the plan is to turn around the institution within five years.


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