A Richard’s Bay woman is suing her gynaecologist in the Durban High Court for R5 million after a medical swab was allegedly forgotten in her abdomen during a surgical procedure, reports The Mercury.
Henisha Indurjeeth (34) has alleged in court papers that she suffered daily excruciating pain for 16 months and that her specialist, who she is suing for medical negligence, had not taken steps to investigate her complaints to him about her constant, escalating pain.
The gynaecologist’s attorney, Neelu Ramcharan, said that he had filed an appearance to defend the matter, but declined to comment further.
According to the particulars of the claim Indurjeeth, who is being represented by attorney Theasen Pillay, consulted with the doctor in February 2017 for fertility treatment, and he prescribed medication, says The Mercury article published on 13 November 2020.
She was also diagnosed with “polycystic ovarian syndrome” and was told during a follow-up consultation that she had developed fibroids and an ovarian cyst. The specialist advised her that she required corrective surgery.
Indurjeeth underwent “major gynae surgery” in June 2017, according to the doctor’s medical certificate, and began experiencing “pains and discomfort in the area of the surgical procedure”.
However, continues The Mercury story, the doctor advised her that it was “normal for any patient who had undergone surgery to experience discomfort”.
According to court papers Indurjeeth “had to continually take pain medication, throughout the day, including sleeping pills” but despite being strong they did not alleviate her pain. She also took pain medication and sleeping pills at night to manage her “severe discomfort”. Further, the pain and discomfort affected her mobility and quality of life.
More than a year later Indurjeeth was eventually examined by another doctor, who felt “something strange” in her abdominal area and referred her to a doctor who ordered a scan. The “scan revealed that a swab from the previous procedure, conducted by the defendant, remained in the plaintiff,” the court papers alleged.
Indurjeeth was advised that a further surgical procedure was necessary and during surgery “a surgical swab”, which the specialist had allegedly left in her abdomen, was removed. A laboratory report confirmed that a “damp bloodstained swab” had been retrieved by the surgeon on 1 October 2018.
[link url="http://themercury.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/showarticle.aspx?article=d89ab7e8-9403-4cea-a7a9-57b0f869a516&key=YBdFlW5KdC3IArpMm6D43Q%3d%3d&issue=64032020111300000000001001"]Full report in The Mercury – Gynae sued for swab in abdomen[/link]