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Thursday, 13 February, 2025
HomeNews UpdateKZN Health to insource vital services

KZN Health to insource vital services

KwaZulu-Natal Premier Thami Ntuli has announced that various services – like security, cleaning, kitchen work and gardening – will now be insourced at all new provincial healthcare facilities, after a call for direct government employment instead of the “exploitative” tender system.

The initiative has already been implemented at the newly-built Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital in KwaMashu, Durban, reports The Witness.

The Premier’s commitment follows a memorandum of demands handed to him last October by the workers’ group, Iphimbo Labasebenzi, which represents security guards and cleaners.

Last year, more than 200 staff from various municipalities across the province marched to the department’s offices in Pietermaritzburg demanding not only direct employment and in-sourcing, but also that funds from tender companies be allocated to workers.

They called for transparency on how the employment system works, and the timely payment of salaries.

Iphimbo Labasebenzi general secretary Mvikeleni Gcwensa said workers were frequently paid late because private companies don’t pay them on time, leaving them in debt.

In a letter dated 31 December, the Premier wrote that as new healthcare facilities are commissioned, there will be no outsourcing of services relating to security, cleaners, kitchen workers and gardeners.

Insourcing of catering will also be rolled out, in phases, as and when funds become available, and posts in this regard will be advertised.

Responding to the letter, Iphimbo Labasebenzi said although it was pleased the government would do away with the tender and outsourcing system, it didn’t agree with the terms, or with the advertising of these posts as they were already occupying them.

“This will jeopardise our jobs. We may not even get those positions due to corruption that already exists in the recruitment processes,” said Gcwensa.

They also disagreed with the phasing out of outsourcing as it was not clear how long these phases would take and how stringent the processes would be.

“No more excuses. The tendering system must end now. We are waiting to sit down with the Premier to discuss these concerns,” he said.


Witness article – KZN Premier announces decision to insource services (Open access)


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