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HomeMedico-LegalNew charges for thrice-suspended Cape doctor

New charges for thrice-suspended Cape doctor

Alleged serial offending Cape Town gynaecologist/obstetrician Ganes Anil Ramdhin, who continues to practise medicine because of administrative bungles, has been slapped with fresh charges.

In 2021, it emerged that Ramdhin was facing more than 300 counts of fraud relating to medical schemes, and had previously been found guilty of professional misconduct and suspended from the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA). He also claimed to be a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, despite being struck off the UK Medical Register more than 15 years ago for serious professional misconduct, reports IOL.

But he’s still active and operating in Khayelitsha. In this latest case, patient Anele Gcwabe claimed she was overcharged by Ramdhin when she sought help for a facial skin condition. She was unaware he was a gynaecologist, and has lodged a complaint with her medical aid after being charged for services for which she didn’t consult.

She had visited the Khayelitsha Medical Centre on 18 January for a skin-related issue, and was told a dermatologist was unavailable but she could consult a general practitioner, Ramdhin.

Gcwabe said when she received the bill from her medical aid showing she had been treated by a gynaecologist she was shocked. Her medical aid was billed R800 for consultation and R350 for consulting during “emergency hours”, plus R18 for urinating on a stick – a test she denied taking.

“I certainly wouldn't have consulted him for a skin condition if I’d known he was a gynaecologist,” she said, “and I did not pee in his office.”

The medical aid is still investigating her complaint.

HPCSA spokesperson Priscilla Sekhonyana said they did not cancel Ramdhin’s licence to operate but he was suspended after the 2021 matter. The suspension was revoked upon expiry of the suspension period.

However, Ramdhin is due before the council in two months’ to face fresh allegations of negligence.

“The HPCSA is currently in possession of two matters relating to negligence against Ramdhin, which are consolidated and set down for a hearing on 13-14 April 2023,” said Sekhonyane.

At his last appearance before the HPCSA, the complaint against Ramdhin related to the deaths of two cancer patients, former Baxter Theatre dancer Zoleka Helesi and Gqeberha resident Beauty Mama. Both died after he botched their gynaecological surgery.

Ramdhin had been suspended three times and fined twice, before.

In 1991 he was suspended after a criminal conviction of assault;
 in 2000 and 2002 he was suspended for unprofessional conduct;
 in 2011 he was fined R15 000 for misrepresenting himself as a gynaecologist; and
 in 2014 he was fined R30 000 for diverting patients from the public sector to his private practice.

The South African Medical Association (SAMA) said it was extremely perturbed by the latest case and called on the HPCSA to deal with these matters as they arise.

“They need to equip community members on how to identify bogus doctors and malpractice …The HPSCA should host workshops and teach members the possible red flags. If they are not doing that, they are not fulfilling their mandate,” said chairperson Dr Mvuyisi Mzukwa.


IOL article – Cape doctor faces fresh charges of misconduct (Restricted access)


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