Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeResearch AfricaNew combo HIV drug treatment for children approved in SA

New combo HIV drug treatment for children approved in SA

The SA Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has given the nod to a new sweet-tasting combination drug specially designed for infants and children with HIV.

The “4-in-1" formulation was developed by the non-profit Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) and pharmaceutical firm Cipla, and does not require refrigeration, reports TimesLIVE.

There are 238,000 children under 15 living with HIV in SA – the highest in the world.

The fixed-dose formulation combines the antiretrovirals abacavir, lamivudine, lopinavir and ritonavir. Its developers say it is a significant improvement on protease inhibitor-containing paediatric ARV formulations that South Africa has been using for decades.

The medicine can be used by sprinkling granules from a capsule over soft food like porridge or dissolving it in water or milk.

Until recently, the only WHO-recommended lopinavir-based treatment available for babies and very young children in SA comprised syrup that contained 40% alcohol that required refrigeration.

Paediatric infectious disease specialist Dr Moherndran Archary, who represents child and adolescent interests at the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society, said HIV-positive children had been left behind and only half of them were on treatment.

Worldwide, there are 2.78m children and adolescents living with HIV, with about 88% of them in sub-Saharan Africa. According to Unicef, only 54 have access to treatment.

“Along with other optimal ARV formulations being introduced in SA, the approval of the 4-in-1 is a step towards closing this gap and ending the neglect of children with HIV.”


TimesLIVE article – SAHPRA approves new combo drug to revolutionise HIV treatment for children (Open access)


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