Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateNurses strike over unpaid overtime

Nurses strike over unpaid overtime

Nurses at the Eastern Cape’s Dora Nginza Hospital launched a go-slow protest last Wednesday saying they had not received their December overtime pay – and telling emergency services staff to take critically ill patients to Livingstone Hospital instead.

“The patients are not getting full care . . . they won’t be fed on time on time because there might not be enough managers and doctors to go around to feed them. They are not being neglected, though, because doctors and managers are there,” a nurse told News24.

Provincial secretary for the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa Velile Sinqana said Livingstone Hospital had the same issue last week, but it had been resolved.

A meeting with Dora Nginza management was held on Thursday, but yielded no solution.

Spokesperson for the Eastern Cape Health Department of Health Sizwe Kupelo said hospital management had delayed the overtime payment submissions to the provincial government.


News24 article – Patients ‘won't be fed on time’: Dora Nginza Hospital nurses strike over unpaid overtime (Restricted access)


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