Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalParliamentary report on massive input on NHI Bill delayed to 2021

Parliamentary report on massive input on NHI Bill delayed to 2021

A report on the written comments received by parliament on the National Health Insurance Bill will only be finalised by mid-February, MPs have been told. According to a report in Die Burger, parliamentary manager Dennis Bandi briefed the portfolio committee on health about timelines.

He said an external service provider had to be appointed due to the volumes of comments received. The service provider will analyse the comments and provide a concept report by 20 January, followed by a final report later in February.

Parliament received more than 30,000 representations via e-mail and the same number in hard copies. A total of 121 organisations and individuals have requested the opportunity to address the committee on the Bill.


[link url=""]Full report in Die Burger[/link]

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