Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomePublic HealthPlan to serve as model for reducing TB infections

Plan to serve as model for reducing TB infections

The [b]World Health Organisation (WHO)[/b] has launched an ambitious plan for rich countries to sharply reduce tuberculosis (TB) infections and serve as a model for harder-hit countries of [b]Africa and Asia[/b], where the disease still thrives, reports [s]Reuters Health[/s]. Although the 33 targeted countries, 21 of them in [b]Europe[/b], have relatively low rates of infection, the disease still kills 10,000 people a year there – predominantly homeless people, migrants, prisoners, drug users, heavy drinkers or people with HIV/Aids – the WHO said. It is in these communities that industrialised countries including the [b]US[/b] could pilot approaches to a disease that is both preventable and curable that could then be transferred to poorer countries, Dr Mario Raviglione, director of the [b]WHO’s Global TB Programme[/b], said. The WHO strategy involves broader screening for both active and latent TB infections in high-risk groups, funding high-quality health services, and investing in new drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tests.

International financing mechanism, [b]The Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria[/b] has awarded SA funding to address high levels of tuberculosis (TB) in its prisons. [s]Health-e[/s] reports that the money is set to flow through organisations including [b]Aurum[/b], the [b]Right to Care[/b] and the [b]National Department of Health[/b]. The report also notes additional US funding to address the issue.

[link url=]Full Reuters Health report[/link]
[link url=]WHO press release[/link]
[link url=]Full Health-e report[/link]
[link url=]Johns Hopkins/ Aurum poster[/link]
[link url=]WHO document[/link]

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