Justice Minister Ronald Lamola has appointed retired Constitutional Court Judge Kate O'Regan as the designate judge to oversee the tracing of those who have contracted COVID-19, notes a News24 report. Chrispin Phiri, the minister’s spokesperson, said “regulations issued in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act make provision for contact tracing and for a national database to enable the tracing of those who have come into contact with any person to have contracted the virus.”
Phiri said while government does all it can to implement measures to fight the spread of COVID-19, O'Regan has an important role to play to safeguard the privacy and personal information of persons during this process.
“The director general of Health must file a weekly report with O'Regan, setting out the names and details of all persons whose location or movements were so obtained. O'Regan may also make such recommendations to Cabinet members responsible for Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs, Health, Justice & Correctional Services as she deems fit, regarding the amendment or enforcement of this regulation in order to safeguard the right to privacy while ensuring the ability of the Health Department to engage in urgent and effective contact tracing to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19,” Phiri said.
[link url="https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/covid-19-former-concourt-judge-kate-oregan-to-safeguard-peoples-right-to-privacy-20200403"]Full News24 report[/link]