Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomePublic HealthSA: Nationwide HIV prevention campaign needed

SA: Nationwide HIV prevention campaign needed

While new HIV infections among young South Africans (aged 15 to 24) have continued to decrease, the latest [b]Human Sciences Research Council’s[/b] ( HSRC) found, the statistic causing dismay is that the adult HIV rate seems to be increasing. Grace Matlhape, a trustee of [b]loveLife[/b], writes in [s]The Times[/s] that in loveLife, SA has had a comprehensive and consistent HIV-prevention campaign targeting teenagers since 1999. But there has been no major investment since the mid-2000s in nationwide multimedia targeting the factors causing HIV. Matlhape says a ‘bold strategy’ is needed to counteract the waning funding and support for organisations such as [b]Soul City[/b], the [b]Community Media Trust, Mindset[/b] and [b]Brothers for Life[/b]. The [b]South African National Aids Council[/b] has an important role to play in coordinating national awareness and campaigns. The HSRC’s report should be a wake-up call, Matlhape says.

[link url=]Full report in The Times (subscription needed)[/link]
[link url=]HSRC research[/link]

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