Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomePolicy and LawSA Tobacco Bill approved by Cabinet

SA Tobacco Bill approved by Cabinet

The Cabinet has approved the Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill for submission to Parliament, a vital step in plans to further restrict the promotion and use of tobacco, and regulate electronic cigarettes, which do not contain tobacco and are therefore beyond government control.

The Bill, first flighted for public comment in mid-2018, had undergone major consultation with stakeholders, including the tobacco industry, civil-society organisations and the relevant government departments.

Last week Lynn Moeng, the Health Department’s chief director for health promotion and nutrition, told Business Day the Bill would be tabled at Nedlac before submission to Parliament.

Yet to be made public, it will repeal the current Tobacco Products Control Act and align SA’s public health measures with the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the Cabinet said.

It proposes 100% smoke-free indoor areas and some outdoor areas, a ban on the cigarette sales via vending machines, and strengthens packaging and warning signs.

Assuming no unexpected departures from the version of the Bill released for public comment in 2018, the new laws would compel manufacturers to use plain packaging, with picture warnings of the dangers of smoking, and phase out designated smoking areas in some public areas, including restaurants.


BusinessLIVE article – Cabinet approves long-awaited revamped tobacco Bill (Open access)


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