Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomePublic HealthSchistosomiasis adds to children’s HIV/Aids burden in SSA

Schistosomiasis adds to children’s HIV/Aids burden in SSA

Researchers from the [b]Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine[/b] (LSTM) have called for more research into HIV and schistosomiasis co-infection in children in sub-Saharan Africa, reports [s]Medical Xpress[/s]. In a paper in [s]The Lancet Infectious Diseases[/s], LSTM’s Prof Russell Stothard and colleagues, working with researchers from [b]Cape Western Reserve University[/b] in Cleveland Ohio, [b]University of Cambridge[/b] and the [b]Royal Veterinary College[/b], looked at previous research and found that while disease-specific control interventions are continuing, potential synergies in the control efforts for the two diseases have not been investigated. The team concluded that there needs to be more work carried out. Schistosomiasis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by a water-borne parasitic blood fluke, infecting 220m people in sub-Saharan Africa, with even more at risk, mainly children.

[link url=]Full Medical Xpress report[/link]

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