Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateSeal of approval for SAHPRA systems from WHO

Seal of approval for SAHPRA systems from WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has given its stamp of approval to the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority (Sahpra) for its well-functioning and integrated systems, ranking it at “functional maturity level three” (level four is the highest), according to its global classification system for national medical products regulatory authorities.

EWN reports that WHO experts said Sahpra’s regulatory processes are “efficient to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of vaccines” controlled by the entity.

Sahpra spokesperson Yuven Gounden said Sahpra and the National Control Laboratory “must be commended for reaching maturity level four for the Lot release function”.

“This function is critical in ensuring that vaccines made available in the country meet the highest quality requirements.”


EWN article – SAHPRA receives who stamp of approval for well-functioning & integrated systems (Open access)


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