Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalSilicosis and TB claimants allowed to appeal rejections

Silicosis and TB claimants allowed to appeal rejections

The Tshiamiso Trust said prospective beneficiaries of a fund for those who have contracted silicosis and TB in the country's gold mines would get an opportunity to appeal the rejection of their claims.

An EWN report notes that so far, the trust has only paid out seven claims in a trial run. However, it plans to roll out more payments in coming months following years of delays since a settlement was reached between miners and gold producers.

The trust said it had conducted 408 medical examinations on prospective beneficiaries so far, with more than 2,000 claims lodged.

However, the trust also said it was aware that there were many people who were going to find that they were not eligible for benefits from the trust. They would have the chance to appeal their rejection.


[link url=""]Full EWN report (Open access)[/link]

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