The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has welcomed the dismissal of senior Gauteng Health official Thandy Pino for her involvement in the irregular award of PPE contracts worth more than R330m, reports MedicalBrief.
This follows last years investigation by the SIU into allegations of maladministration in the appointment of service providers by the department to supply PPE and related goods and services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was alleged that Royal Bhaca Projects (Pty) Ltd was irregularly awarded a contract worth R125m from Gauteng Health to supply PPE, due to its director’s proximity to then Health MEC Bandile Masuku. It was also alleged that Ledla Structural Development, a business with links to Royal Bhaca, had also been appointed by the health department to provide PPE worth R139m. A third company, Beadica 423 was given a PPE supply contract to the value of R68.5 by the provincial health department, as well. The SIU said all of the companies were linked.
MedicalBrief writes that SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said in a media statement that the SIU welcomed the sanction meted out to Pino for her involvement in the irregular awarding of PPE contracts to Royal Bhaca, Ledla and Beadica.
“The SIU investigated allegations of maladministration, greed, nepotism and corruption in the appointment of service providers by the GDoH (Gauteng Department of Health) to supply PPE and related goods and services. The allegations were referred by the Office of the Premier in Gauteng in March 2020.
“The SIU finalised the investigation into the award[ing] of contracts by the department to Royal Bacha, Ledla and Beadica. The investigation revealed that proper procurement processes were not followed in awarding contracts to Royal Bhaca, Ledla and Beadica by the former chief financial officer Kabelo Lehloenya and the chief director: supply chain and asset management of GDoH Thandiwe Pino.
“Lehloenya resigned when the allegations surfaced. The Special Tribunal granted a preservation order to the SIU to freeze her pension benefits pending the finalisation of civil action against her,” Kganyago said.
See more from MedicalBrief archives:
Funding-starved SIU still trying to recover missing Ledla PPE millions
SIU: Corruption is 'part of health sector's DNA'
Government acts to bolt the COVID-19 corruption stable door
COVID-19 corruption scandal hits R5bn and is still growing