The findings of part of a European study show that one out of two parents of overweight children feel their child’s weight is normal, says a [s]HealthCanal[/s] report. Forty percent fear that their child might be underweight. In her dissertation at [b]Sahlgrenska Academy[/b], Susann Regber, a paediatric nurse, studied studied the parents' role in the health-promoting and disease-prevention work against child obesity in young children. The research is a part of a European study that comprises a total of 16,220 children in the ages 2 to 9, of which 1,800 live in Sweden. ‘How parents perceive their child's weight status is of major significance to being able to promote a healthy weight development,’ Regber said.
[link url=]Full HealthCanal report[/link]
[link url=]Full Regber dissertation[/link]