A SA study by [b]Katherine de Tolly[/b] published in the [s]Journal of Medical Internet Research[/s] finds that text messaging is a good medium to guide and support women through medical abortion. In the study of 226 women, nearly 98% of participants said that the SMS helped them through the medical abortion. According to a [s]Fierce Mobile[/s] report, mobile phones were used several ways in the study: coaching text messages; self-assessment and provision of family planning information and encouragement via a mobisite (website optimised for mobile phones), Mxit (a popular SA mobile instant message chat and social network) and text messaging.
[link url=http://www.fiercemobilehealthcare.com/story/text-messages-effective-medical-abortion-randomized-controlled-trial/2014-02-18]Full Fierce Mobile report[/link]
[link url=http://mhealth.jmir.org/2014/1/e5JMIR: Integrating Mobile Phones Into] Medical Abortion Provision[/link]