Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateTop SA cop investigating PPE fraud killed by poison, not COVID

Top SA cop investigating PPE fraud killed by poison, not COVID

A case of murder has been opened after the death of Lieutenant-General Sindile Mfazi, whom police sources confirmed didn't die of COVID-19, as previously thought. At the time of his death, Mfazi was investigating PPE fraud within the SA Police Service.

Instead, he was poisoned with casting resin, a poisonous and hazardous chemical substance used to manufacture and produce moulds, plastic toys, and figurines. At the time of his death, Mfazi had been investigating PPE fraud within the SAPS.

Three senior police executives told News24 that a toxicology study on Mfazi's remains proved the resin poisoning. Symptoms had also included vomiting blood, severe pain in the abdomen, mouth, ears, eyes, and drooling.

Mfazi, a highly decorated officer, and Deputy National Commissioner (DNC) responsible for Crime Detection, died in July, reportedly of COVID-19. But his body was exhumed and sent for toxicology tests after rumours that he had been poisoned.

Mfazi was an experienced officer who had spent more than four decades with SAPS. A source said the police suspected foul play as volumes of documents and files had been removed from his home.

“As soon as he died, his house was cleared. They removed documents, files, and his laptop. Mfazi was investigating very sensitive cases, and PPE procurement in the police. We think the removal of documents and files from his home is meant to cover up serious financial crimes in connection with the procurement of PPE.”

Another officer police officer said Mfazi was exhumed at the insistence of his brother, a Cape Town lawyer. “He was confiding in his brother about the PPE investigation. The family was not satisfied by the explanation that COVID-19 killed him. His brother insisted we exhume him. The toxicology reports show he was poisoned with resin. We are now going to investigate a case of murder," the police officer said.


News24 article – Top cop looking into PPE procurement 'definitely' poisoned – files, laptop 'removed' after his death


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