Coronavirus patients could suffer "extreme tiredness and shortness of breath for several months", government scientists have warned. The Daily Telegraph reports that newly-released papers by the UK Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies show concern that the virus may cause long-term health problems.
Its meeting of 7 May discussed a number of complications that have now been linked to COVID-19, including strokes, kidney disease and dysfunctions of other organs. And scientists expressed concern that the novel virus may have long-term effects, which could last for several months.
After discussing a number of rare complications and symptoms of the disease, the minutes state: “Sage also noted the existence of longer-term health sequelae (such as the persistence of extreme tiredness and shortness of breath for several months) and the importance of monitoring these impacts through longer-term cohort studies. One scientific advisor to the government said that follow up clinics of patients who survived the acute illness found “a very high proportion who cannot get back to a normal life.”
Research is continuing to investigate how long long-term effects may last, with concern that some patients could suffer significant damage, with many left exhausted. And, the report says, the head of the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) warned that thousands of people many need NHS held to recover from the damage caused by the virus.
Sir Simon Stevens, NHS CEO, said: "While our country is now emerging from the initial peak of coronavirus, we're now seeing a substantial new need for rehab and aftercare."
“Some may need care for tracheostomy wounds, ongoing therapy to recover heart, lung and muscle function, psychological treatment for post-intensive care syndrome and cognitive impairment, while others may need social care support for their everyday needs like washing and dressing,” he said.
Last week the first NHS hospital dedicated to helping coronavirus patients recover from the long-term effects of the illness received its first patients. Surrey's NHS Seacole Centre opened at Headley Court, a former rehab centre for injured soldiers. The model will be rolled out across the country, with a focus particularly on helping those in need of neuro-rehabilitation, respiratory and cardiac complications. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists said urgent action was needed to ensure patients were given help to recover from the disease.
Also, the report says, research suggests delirium – which can have long-term consequences, including mental trauma – is common among patients admitted to ICUs with COVID-19. Patients can also suffer loss of mobility after being kept in wards for weeks, suffering muscle wastage, as well as damage to the lungs after treatment on a ventilator.
In many cases, patients recovering from COVID-19 may suffer more than one long-term effect, with some needing help to walk again, while suffering from flashbacks and emotional distress after having suffered hallucinations and confusion.
Experts said that even some patients whose illness was not acute enough to require hospitalisation could end up needing “rehab” care for as long as two months. Research suggests around one in 20 COVID patients experience long-term symptoms for at least a month.
Professor Peter Openshaw, from the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG), warned of “alarming” evidence about the impact the disease could have on other organs, and about its long-term effects. He said: “Many people who have apparently recovered then come back saying that things are not right, they have a diversity of long term effects, and we're seeing in our follow up clinics a very high proportion who really cannot get back to a normal life because of the delayed effects of this virus.”
[link url=""]Full report in The Daily Telegraph[/link]