Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalBotswana: Vaccination booths at borders and harsh penalties for non-vaccination

Botswana: Vaccination booths at borders and harsh penalties for non-vaccination

Returning Botswana citizens or visitors unwilling to get a COVID-19 vaccination, face a fine of R6,500 (Pula 5,000), a year in jail, or both.

Vaccination booths have been set up at ports of entry. "What will happen is that there will be health officers at entry points to vaccinate those willing to receive the shot. This will enable visitors or returning citizens to be allowed into Botswana," a government spokesperson said.

Section (c) and (d) of the Public Health Act (Prevention of Introduction or Spread of COVID-19 Act. state that a person entering the country "shall present proof that he or she is fully vaccinated". If they haven't vaccinated, then they should produce a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Covid-19 test, valid for 72 hours, at the port of entry into the country. he provisions apply to anyone above the age of 12 with immediate effect.

A report on the News24 site notes that 73% of the adult population is fully vaccinated, but there has been a low uptake of booster jabs.


News24 article – Botswana to fine or jail returning citizens who refuse Covid-19 vaccination (Open access)


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