Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalBritain launches ‘menopause taskforce’ to tackle workplace taboos

Britain launches ‘menopause taskforce’ to tackle workplace taboos

A new specialist team of ministers and medical experts will tackle taboos and stigmas surrounding menopause in the workplace, the UK government has announced.

According to an report, speaking at the inaugural meeting of the menopause taskforce last week, co-chair Carolyn Harris MP said the group had been established to ensure that clinical evidence underpinned all aspects of menopause policy and to encourage open conversations about the menopause among the public, within healthcare settings, and in workplaces.

Millions of women go through the menopause every year, with the majority experiencing symptoms that can be severe, such as low mood, anxiety, hot flushes and difficulty sleeping, and have a negative impact on their everyday life.

Research conducted by People Management of women with menopausal symptoms found that a fifth (18%) reported feeling under pressure to leave their jobs because of a lack of support and a workplace culture that leaves women feeling unable to discuss the issue with colleagues. article – New UK ‘menopause taskforce’ set to examine workplace culture (Open access)


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