Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateDumped hospital waste from hijacked vehicle, says company

Dumped hospital waste from hijacked vehicle, says company

A medical waste company has confirmed that the hazardous medical waste that washed up on Mdumbi and Mngcibe beaches this week had been dumped by hijackers who stole a company vehicle on 8 December.

According to a Daily Dispatch report, Compass Medical Waste Services MD Graham du Randt said the hospital waste was part of a consignment that had been stolen during the hijacking. The waste, including vials of blood, urine and skin samples, plastic body bags, syringes, droppers and other medical items, was found close to the Mdumbi River mouth.

Last week, residents said they were shocked to discover bags of medical waste washing up on the beaches from Sunday until Wednesday. Du Randt said heavy rains might have washed the waste down the Mdumbi River after the hijackers dumped it next to an adjoining river.

‘Our Eastern Cape regional manager and a hazmat cleanup team are now on their way to the affected area to meet the Environmental Health Department and ensure the area is isolated and cleaned up speedily,’ he said. ‘Compass Medical Waste takes the illegal dumping of medical waste very seriously and we are saddened by the damaging effect this hijacking has had on our driver, local residents and the environment,’ said Du Randt.


See more from MedicalBrief archives:

Daily Dispatch – Dumped medical waste from hijacked vehicle

EP Health agrees to stop dumping medical waste in municipal landfills


Maggot-ridden medical waste in Eastern Cape EMS stations


Medical waste company in ‘stinking’ legal fight with KZN Health


KZN medical waste company fails to stop award of rival contractor


EP Health agrees to stop dumping medical waste in municipal landfills













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