Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalEastern Cape doctor in court on rape and kidnapping charges

Eastern Cape doctor in court on rape and kidnapping charges

A doctor pleaded not guilty this week when he appeared in the Eastern Cape High Court (Mthatha) facing a string of charges including five counts of rape, two of kidnapping and pointing a firearm.

Dr Khangelani Wilson (34) who works at St Elizabeth Hospital in Lusikisiki, is accused of raping three women between 30 October 2021 and 30 October 2022.

The victims were two 19-year-old women and a 25-year-old woman. It is alleged he gave them lifts.

In 2017, Wilson was charged with attempted murder after final year student Lwando Mantshontsho was stabbed to death in his room by a group of Walter Sisulu University medical students after a party turned violent.

Five of the group were convicted of the murder, two counts of attempted murder, three counts of housebreaking and malicious injury to property.

The fifth accused was found guilty of malicious damage to property, while Wilson and another were charged with attempted murder.

According to court papers before Judge Richard Brooks, the state accuses Wilson of:

● Raping a woman, 25, in his car at the beach in Port St Johns on 30 October 2021;
● Raping her again later the same day;
● Kidnapping a 19-year-old woman and keeping her captive at St Elizabeth Hospital on 10 August 2022;
● Later the same day raping the woman in the doctors’ quarters at St Elizabeth Hospital;
● Kidnapping another 19-year-old and keeping her in his quarters at St Elizabeth Hospital on 30 October 2022 against her will;
● Later the same day, in the same place, raping his captive twice; and
● On the same day pointing a gun at his captive.

According to the state, Wilson committed some of the crimes when he was out on bail for the first incident.

A case was opened on the day of the first attack, but later withdrawn.

However, the case was reinstated and Wilson was arrested on 17 August 2022 but
released on bail.

Some of the victims were women he had allegedly given lifts to when he saw them walking home from church or school.

Wilson was originally represented by a private attorney, but last week he applied for Legal Aid assistance.

In another case, an Emaxesibeni Hospital clinical associate, Sikhokele Soldati, is accused of raping a patient in a hospital consulting room on 8 December 2022.

NPA spokesperson Luxolo Tyali said Soldati had pleaded not guilty.

“Soldati’s case has since been transferred from the Emaxesibeni Magistrate’s Court to the Kwabhaca (formerly Mount Frere) Regional Court.

The case was back in court on this week.


Daily Dispatch PressReader article – Young Lusikisiki doctor charged with raping three women appears in court (Open access)


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