Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews ReleaseEFF: SAHPRA refusal to allow Sinovac and Sputnik condemned

EFF: SAHPRA refusal to allow Sinovac and Sputnik condemned

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) for its refusal to allow the administration and usage of the Sinovak and Sputnik V vaccines in South Africa.

Despite its commitments that the processes of vaccine approval is guided by science, it is evident that SAHPRA’s approval of vaccines was guided and informed by politics and the transactional interests of politicians in South Africa.

The dismal failure and rejection of AstraZeneca and its 20% efficacy is a clear demonstration that SAHPRA’s approval of vaccines is not guided by science but politics and greedy capitalist interests. Despite granting permission for its usage, the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine approved by SAHPRA is reported to have been contaminated and not safe for usage in many parts of the world and South Africa.

The South African business partner of Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is Aspen, which is one of Cyril Ramaphosa’s benefactors.

The Sputnik-V vaccine from Russia has been proven by The Lancet to have 91,6% efficacy and is currently authorised and administered in more than 60 countries without a single health hazard or incident reported. Sinovac, from China, has been approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is used in more than 45 countries. The People's Republic of China has thus far administered more than 800 million doses of Sinovac and there are no major incidents and health hazards associated with this development.

Despite these realities, SAHPRA is still refusing to and actively frustrating the usage of Sputnik-V and Sinovac in South Africa, while allowing the usage of dangerous and poisonous vaccines from the West.
It is evident that SAPHRA is being used by politicians and major capitalist interests to totally prevent the usage of vaccines from Russia and from China.

The evident reason behind this is because Cyril Ramaphosa is a puppet of the West and certainly involved in transactions with local partners of J&J.

We demand that SAHPRA finalise the approval and authorisation of Sputnik V and Sinovak within seven days, and the government must make these vaccines available for all the people.

If SAHPRA fails to approve the usage of vaccines that have been scientifically approved and authorised in many parts of the world, we will be left with no option but to engage in militant mass action against this captured regulatory authority. We will also approach our lawyers to explore the possibility of approaching the Constitutional Court on an urgent basis to force SAHPRA and the government to allow the usage of scientifically tested and proven vaccines, including Sputnik-V and Sinovak in South Africa.

We take this action because it is now evident that the government does not care about the lives of our people. Many people are dying and still government is dismally failing to administer vaccines because the senior politicians are involved in transactions with Western vaccine manufacturers.

We call on the people of South Africa to strengthen the voices of demand for scientifically trusted and proven vaccines. Our lives are not safe under the current administration.

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