Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeResearchGa y genetics research still provokes irrational responses

Ga y genetics research still provokes irrational responses

Why does a ‘ga y gene' paper still cause a stir? A similar paper on any other topic would probably have passed unnoticed. But this is s ex research – where public interest is huge but 'real funds and real science are very scarce', writes [b]Prof Tim Spector, Department of Genetic Epidemiology, King’s College[/b], in [s]The Conversation[/s].

He was reacting to a study of ga y men in the US by [b]Prof Michael Bailey, a psychologist at Northwestern University[/b], reported in [s]The Guardian[/s], which found fresh evidence that male s exu al orientation is influenced by genes. Scientists tested the DNA of 400 g ay men and found that genes on at least two chromosomes affected whether a man was ga y or straight.
[link url=]Full report in The Conversation[/link]
[link url=]Full report in The Guardian[/link]

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