Declining consumption of salt has been the key factor in the large fall in the number of people dying from a heart attack or stroke. [s]The Guardian[/s] reports that according to researchers in a study published in the [s]British Medical Journal Open[/s], a 15% drop in average daily consumption of salt, to 8.1g, in England between 2003 and 2011 played an important role in the 42% fewer stroke fatalities and 40% drop in those dying from coronary heart disease. The researchers claim that diminishing levels of salt was ‘an important contributor’ to falls in blood pressure over the eight-year period. Mortality rates from stroke dropped from 134 to 78 (42% down) per 100,000 population, and from 232 to 139 (40% down) per 100,000 population for coronary heart disease.
[link url=]Full report in The Guardian[/link]
[link url=]BMJO abstract[/link]