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HomeCoronavirusMan shows no severe effects after 217 Covid jabs

Man shows no severe effects after 217 Covid jabs

A German man claiming to have received 217 Covid-19 vaccines in just 29 months isn’t reacting the way some scientists thought he would.

The 62-year-old male from Magdeburg made headlines a few years ago for his risky decision to thwart national medical advice and get numerous jabs – all allegedly in a bid to sell proof of vaccination cards to unvaccinated individuals.

Researchers in Germany first read about the case in the newspapers, and with the man's permission, are now studying his immune system to see how it’s coping with “hypervaccination”.

While they emphasise that they “do not endorse hyper-vaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity”, they were curious about the effect that hundreds of vaccines might have on a person.

Scientists have wondered for years now how many Covid-19 jabs people should be getting: one theory is that too many injections could have downsides, triggering an excessive immune reaction, or, on the flip side, fatiguing immune cells and making them less responsive to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The man from Germany is living proof that neither outcome is necessarily the case, reports ScienceAlert.

Official records confirm that he received at least 130 vaccines for Covid-19, including eight different vaccine types, in the space of just two-and-a-half years. In fact, the vast majority of these shots were given in a nine-month period.

Nevertheless, his immune system, experts say, is fully functional.

“The observation that no noticeable side effects were triggered despite this extraordinary hypervaccination indicates that the drugs have a good degree of tolerability,” said immunologist Kilian Schober from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU).

Specifically, blood tests revealed that the man had a large number of T-effector cells, more so than people who had received just three vaccinations. T-effector cells promote an immune response to SARS-CoV-2.

However, other immune cells, which replenish numbers of T-effector cells, were present in similar quantities in the hypervaccinated man and thrice-vaccinated individuals.

‘The number of memory cells was just as high in our test case as in the control group,” said immunologist Katharina Kocher from FAU and a leading author of the study.

None of the man's immune cells appeared fatigued, either. “Overall,” Kocher added, “we did not find any indication for a weaker immune response – rather the contrary.”

When the hypervaccinated patient received yet another vaccine while under the supervision of researchers at FAU, his antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 increased significantly once again.

This suggests that the vaccine can still have an effect, even after possibly hundreds of previous shots.

Of course, that does not mean that people everywhere should throw caution to the wind and start getting vaccines for Covid-19 on a daily basis.

This is an extreme one, but it does provide real-world results on the largely theoretical topic of repetitive Covid-19 vaccinations and the benefits, limitations and risks.

“Current research indicates that a three-dose vaccination, coupled with regular top-up vaccines for vulnerable groups, remains the favoured approach,” said Schober.
“There is no indication that more vaccines are required.”

The study was published in Lancet Infectious Diseases.


ScienceAlert article – Extreme Case of Man Who Had 217 COVID Vaccines Surprises Scientists (Open access)


The Lancet Infectious Diseases article – Adaptive immune responses are larger and functionally preserved in a hypervaccinated individual (Open access)


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German man takes 87 Covid shots in order to create fake certificates for sale


Italian man charged over wearing fake arm to avoid COVID vaccine


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