Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalMunicipal offices in North West raided by SIU over PPE procurement

Municipal offices in North West raided by SIU over PPE procurement

As part of a probe into yet another alleged irregular and overpriced procurement of PPE, the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and Hawks investigators raided the Ratlou local municipality's offices last Friday (30 July).

However, officials in the North West’s Setlagole village-based municipality (which was placed under administration in January) failed to co-operate with the investigation, said SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago, according to a TimesLIVE report.

A whistle-blower had told the SIU that a senior municipal official had instructed officials to appoint specific service providers, apparently known to him, for the provision of PPE and material to be used for disinfection of buildings.

Kganyago said the appointments were done without following supply chain policies and emergency procurement directives issued by the National Treasury. Also, quotations received from the service providers were exorbitantly higher than the prescribed price limits.

Officials are also accused of abusing petrol cards for COVID-19-related travel. The COVID-19-related expenditure incurred by the municipality is estimated to be about R25m.


TimesLIVE report – SIU and Hawks raid offices of Ratlou municipality in North West


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