Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateR8.8bn donated to South Africa’s Aids, TB and malaria programmes

R8.8bn donated to South Africa’s Aids, TB and malaria programmes

South Africa has received a massive boost in its efforts to eradicate HIV/Aids, TB and malaria, after receiving aa three-year, R8.8bn donation from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Health Minister Dr. Joe Phaahla said the government would ensure the funding was used efficiently, reports e-Health News, and that it would expedite efforts to “recover some gains which were reversed due to COVID”.

The Global Fund is a key partner for global health and this is the seventh donation to South Africa since its first one in 2003 of $1.3bn.

The funds will support activities implemented through the Aids Foundation of South Africa, Beyond Zero, NACOSA, and the national Department of Health.

A priority would be for tuberculosis interventions, responding to the recent findings of the country’s first TB prevalence survey that showed the statistics for this were twice as high as previously estimated.

“Already we are rolling out treatment to 5.5m South Africans. We need to find another 2m people to test, put on treatment, and to do community surveillance. These funds make it possible for us to keep that momentum going,” he said.

Deputy President David Mabuza, in his capacity as chair of the SA National Aids Council (SANAC),welcomed the Global Fund’s ongoing support, saying it would help strengthen South Africa’s healthcare system.


Health-e News article – Major boost to South Africa’s Aids, TB and Malaria programmes (Open access)


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Global Fund grant to boost TB drug implementation in SA


Africa’s benefits from Global Fund programmes



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