Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalSIU demands that Mkhize and family repay R4m

SIU demands that Mkhize and family repay R4m

The Special Investigations Unit has accused former Health Minister Zweli Mkhize of “unlawful and improper conduct” and wants his family to repay R4m from which it allegedly benefited as a result of the awarding of a communications contract.

The SIU filed papers with the Special Tribunal, seeking to recover R150m in total, which the national Department of Health paid to a company called Digital Vibes in terms of the contract, reports News24.

The SIU said Mkhize had put pressure on Health Department DG Malebona Matsoso via repeated text messages to approve the awarding of the contract to Digital Vibes, a company linked to Tahera Mather and Naadhira Mitha, his former adviser and an ex-secretary respectively.

“At best, this conduct on the part of the minister was improper and, at worst, unlawful," the unit said in the papers. Mkhize has previously claimed the SIU proceeded unfairly and compiled a “flawed and unfounded report”.


News24 article – Digital Vibes: Mkhize accused of unlawful, improper conduct for his role – SIU report (Open access)


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