A large study has found that men who eat three rashers of bacon a day or more are twice as likely to die from heart failure. [s]The Daily Telegraph[/s] reports that according to Polish lead scientist Dr Joana Kaluza of [b]Warsaw University of Life Sciences[/b], those consuming the most – 75g per day or more (three rashers of bacon) – were twice as likely to die from heart failure than those who ate 25g or less (around one bacon rasher). And every 50g of processed meat increased heart failure risk by 8% and the chances of dying from the condition by 38%. The new research is the first to distinguish between the effects of processed and unprocessed red (non-poultry) meat. It found that while processed meat had a big impact on heart failure and death rates, the same was not true of unprocessed meat.
[link url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/10895736/Men-who-eat-three-rashers-of-bacon-a-day-twice-as-likely-to-die-from-heart-failure.html]Full report in The Daily Telegraph[/link]
[link url=http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/content/early/2014/06/11/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.113.000921.abstract?sid=0e9dbd3e-7bc8-4b72-b474-40e55d6a6bb9]Circulation: Heart Failure abstract[/link]