Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomePsychiatryStudy shows link between insomnia and suicide

Study shows link between insomnia and suicide

Suicides are more likely to occur during between midnight and sunrise, reports [s]Health24[/s]. Researchers, led by Michael Perlis, director of the [b]Penn Behavioural Sleep Medicine Programme[/b] at the [b]University of Pennsylvania[/b] said their findings have important implications for people with chronic insomnia that lasts for at least three months. This sleep disorder affects about 10% of adults and treating insomnia may help lower suicide risk. Perlis said: ‘This appears to be the first data to suggest that circadian factors may contribute to suicidality and help explain why insomnia is also a risk factor for suicidal ideation and behaviour.’

[link url=]Full Health24 report[/link]
[link url=]Sleep abstract[/link]

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