Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeAfricaWHO needs $1.5bn for health crises, mainly in Africa

WHO needs $1.5bn for health crises, mainly in Africa

The World Health Organisation will need $1.5bn this year for 41 health emergencies resulting from climate change, extreme weather events, food insecurity, conflict and displacement – mostly in Africa

Worst hit on the continent are:

• Northern Ethiopia, which is still dealing with the aftermath of the civil war and drought.
• The Horn of Africa, covering parts of Djibouti, parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. The WHO said the region faces severe food insecurity, worsened by the climate crisis and conflict, and malnutrition and cholera are key challenges.

Funds raised from the WHO’s emergency appeal for this year would be used mainly for preparedness and readiness, enabling a rapid and efficient response to disasters, said the agency.

However, reports News24, it might not raise as much as required because “underfunding across the humanitarian sector is affecting the United Nations and its partners”.

Underfunding is directly linked to inaction, putting even more lives at risk.

By 24 November 2023, about $20bn had been received against the GHO 2023 requirements, amounting to only about 35% of requirements.


News24 article – WHO seeks R28bn for health emergencies, mainly in Africa (Open access)


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