Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateZimbabwe wants compensation for brain drain of nurses and doctors

Zimbabwe wants compensation for brain drain of nurses and doctors

Zimbabwe is approaching the United Nations and aid agencies to discuss possible compensation as it faces a brain drain in its heath sector, with doctors and nurses seeking greener pastures in countries like the UK, reports The Herald.

With significant numbers of Zimbabwean medical professionals now working outside the country, the government is engaging the UN as well as other multi-lateral agencies to help pay the enormous training costs, through fair compensation or financial collaboration, on the training of health workers.

If the appeal gets the green light, the country would be able to recoup some of the millions of dollars it has spent on training health personnel since independence, or at least be able to train replacements, with external support.

Zimbabwe spends US$70,000 annually to train a single doctor, bringing the cumulative cost for full training to around US$350,000, money which the government now wants to recover via various avenues.

The country is facing a shortage of nurses and doctors, adds The Herald, and needs around 100 000 doctors to cater for its population, as prescribed by the World Health Organization. Since independence, Zimbabwe has trained some 50,000 personnel to work in clinical settings.


The Herald article – Brain drain: gvt seeks recompense through UN (Open access)


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