SA’s celebrity Professor Tim Noake’s popular low-carbohydrate ‘Banting’ diet is neither healthier nor better for dropping kilos than a balanced weight-loss diet. [s]Health-e[/s] reports that this is according to a [b]Stellenbosch University[/b] study that reviewed the result of 19 international scientific trials. The study showed that fad Banting diets that drastically restricted carbohydrate intake in favour of fats resulted in weight loss by restricting caloric intake – not by lowering the amount of carbohydrates consumed. ‘This study shows that when the amount of energy consumed by people following the low carbohydrate and balanced diets was similar, there was no difference in weight loss,’ says lead researcher, Dr Celeste Naude, from the [b]Centre for Evidence-based Healthcare[/b] at SU’s [b]Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences[/b]. The report says based on these findings the [b]Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa[/b], the [b]Association for Dietetics in South Africa[/b] and other health groups are warning the public about the possible health risks associated with Banting.
[link url=]Full Health-e report[/link]
[link url=]PLOS ONE article[/link]