Monday, 17 June, 2024


'How long have I got, doc?’ — online tool tackles the hardest question

Talking about cancer is hard. Talking about the chances of surviving cancer is even harder. Now, Stat News reports, one of the entrepreneurs...

Half the amount of chemo still prevents recurrence of testicular cancer

Testicular cancer can be prevented from coming back using half the amount of chemotherapy that is currently used, a clinical trial has shown. In...

Public fixation on cancer 'cure' masks dramatic progress

The strong public focus on a “cure for cancer” is masking dramatic progress made in extending the lives of patients with advanced cancer and...

Faster breast cancer radiation treatment as effective as long course

A five-year multi-centre randomised control trial shows similar recurrence rates of breast cancer in patients treated by accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) over the...

Immunotherapy boosts survival in prostate cancer 'super survivors'

Some men with advanced prostate cancer who have exhausted all other treatment options could live for two years or more on immunotherapy, a major...

Immunotherapy better than 'extreme' chemotherapy for advanced head and neck cancer

Immunotherapy is better than standard “extreme” chemotherapy as first-line treatment for advanced head and neck cancer and can keep some patients alive for more...

Dangers of alternative medicine in advanced breast cancer

Patients with advanced breast cancer that has spread to the skin are likely to cause more harm than good if they use complementary therapies...

Simple blood test may improve early detection of breast cancer — pilot study

Breast cancer could be detected up to five years before there are any clinical signs of it, using a blood test that identifies the...

Men with breast cancer have higher mortality than female counterparts

Men with breast cancer are more likely to die than their female counterparts, across all stages of disease, with the disparity persisting even when...

Prostate cancer: No need for radiotherapy after surgery

Men with prostate cancer can be spared radiotherapy after surgery, according to late breaking results of the RADICALS-RT trial presented at the ESMO Congress...

Improved response from triple negative breast cancer patients to immune plus chemotherapy

Immune therapy added to chemotherapy improves pathological complete response in patients with early triple negative breast cancer, according to results from the KEYNOTE-522 trial...

Routine bowel cancer testing in over-50s not recommended

Routine testing for bowel cancer should not be recommended for everyone aged 50-79 years because, for those at very low risk, the benefit is...

Immunotherapy substantially improves survival in advanced melanoma patients

Immunotherapy substantially improves survival in metastatic melanoma, from 5-year survival levels of 5% a decade ago, to 52% now, a clinical trial shows. Doctors...

Low cost arthritis drug can effectively treat blood cancer sufferers

A simple arthritis drug could be an effective, low cost solution to treat patients with blood cancers such as polycythemia vera and essential...

New prostate cancer test is highly-accurate and avoids biopsies

A new and simple blood test that detects circulating tumour cells, used in combination with the current prostate specific antigen test (PSA), non-invasively predicted...

MRI scans more effective at detecting prostate cancers

Using MRI scans to target biopsies is more effective at detecting prostate cancers that are likely to need treatment than standard ultrasound guided biopsies...

CAR-T cell therapy for leukaemia associated with less dangerous side effects

The CARPALL trial, led by Professor Persis Amrolia and Dr Sara Ghorashian at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and the University College London Great...

Study suggests HRT carries higher risk of breast cancer than thought

A meta-analysis finds that many women who take hormone therapy during menopause are more likely to develop breast cancer than previously thought – and...

Curcumin inhibits growth of bone cancer cells

A Washington State University research team has developed a drug delivery system using curcumin, the main ingredient in the spice turmeric, that successfully inhibits...

Yoghurt may lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men

Eating two or more weekly servings of yoghurt is associated with lower risk of developing the adenomas which precede the development of bowel cancer...

Link between poor oral health and hepatobiliary cancer

A study, by researchers at Queen's University Belfast, analysed a large cohort of over 469,000 people in the UK, investigated the association between oral...

Immunotherapy beats chemo as first-line treatment for head and neck cancers

Immunotherapy used with chemotherapy or on its own is a better first-line treatment for people with head and neck cancer that has returned than...

Vitamin D supplements help cancer patients live longer

Michigan State University physicians have found that vitamin D, if taken for at least three years, could help cancer patients live longer. The findings...

Two trials offer substantive hope for prostate cancer patients

The phase III ENZAMET trial found that 80% of men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer who received the non-steroidal anti-androgen (NSAA) medicine enzalutamide (Xtandi)...

Protocol sends 92% of cancer surgery patients home without opioids

A specialised pain management programme for patients who underwent robotic surgery for urologic cancers resulted in just 8% going home with narcotics after discharge,...

Amendments to post prostatectomy radiation-therapy treatment guidelines

Clinical guidance for radiation therapy after prostatectomy has been was amended by the American Society for Radiation Oncology. Guideline Statement 2 was modified to account...

South Africa's black population also faces significant melanoma risk

Melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer previously thought to affect mainly white people, has been found to pose a significant threat also to...

Dogs detect malignant lung cancer with 97% accuracy

A study has shown that dogs can use their highly evolved sense of smell to pick out blood samples from people with cancer with...

Immune-based therapy successful in a third of cervical pre-cancers

A potential new immune-based therapy to treat pre-cancers in the cervix completely eliminated both the lesion and the underlying HPV infection in a third...

Study finds childhood cancer substantially undiagnosed

A recently published modelling study estimates that there are almost 400,000 new cases of childhood cancer annually, while current records count only around 200,000....

Lab study: Cannabinoid compounds may inhibit colon cancer cells growth

Medical marijuana has gained attention in recent years for its potential to relieve pain and short-term anxiety and depression. Now, Penn State College of...

Allium vegetables may substantially reduce colorectal cancer risk

Consumption of allium vegetables – which include garlic, leeks, and onions – was linked with a substantially reduced risk of in colorectal cancer in...

Aspirin reduces the risk of colorectal cancer by 40%

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of cancer deaths in the US and advanced colorectal polyps are a major risk factor. The...

Chemotherapy differences in long-term cardiomyopathy risk in children

An analysis of long-term cardiomyopathy risk in 28,000 childhood cancer survivors in the US and Europe, researchers compared four chemotherapy drugs with development of cardiomyopathy and...

Steep rise in obesity increasing cancer risk in younger generations

Cancers linked to obesity are rising at a faster rate in millennials than in older generations in the US, BBC News reports the American...

NSAIDs increase survival in some head and neck cancer patients

Regular use of a common type of medication, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, significantly improves survival for a third or more patients with head...

Drug sponges protect against toxic chemo agents — animal trial

US researchers found the introduction of the absorbers into the blood of swine models enabled the capture of an average 64% of a liver...

False positive mammogram result may be a clue to later disease

Women who experience a “false positive” result after a mammogram are twice as likely to end up developing cancer as those who get a...

Breakthrough AI tools to detect cancers in women

A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool from the UK Institute of Cancer Research scans tumour cells to pick out women with especially aggressive...

Bacon-cancer link: Outgoing UN agency head defends its work

The head of the UN agency that provoked a massive outcry and some ridicule when it declared that bacon, red meat and glyphosate weedkiller...